Philippines Trusted Brands 2023

WORLD OF MEDICINE News From The ILLUSTRATION: GETTY IMAGES THE BALANCE CHALLENGE Can you stand on one leg for ten seconds?This question could help doctors evaluate the overall health of their middle-aged and older patients, argues a Brazilian-led study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine . The subjects who couldn’t perform this balancing feat had an 84 per cent higher risk of death during a median follow-up period of seven years, after accounting for basic factors like age and sex. Besides causing falls, poor balance can also signal underlying medical issues, such as declining eyesight or nerve damage caused by diabetes. Much like grip strength and walking speed, balancing ability doesn’t tell the whole story of your health, but it’s a useful clue. DON’T REMOVE SKIN TAGS AND MOLES YOURSELF Two of the most common types of skin blemishes among adults are dark spots known as moles and the growths known as skin tags. Both are harmless and don’t require treatment unless their appearance is an issue. In some jurisdictions, mole- and skin-tag removal kits are sold for home use. But these products can contain a large amount of salicylic acid and could leave you with permanent scarring. The US FDA recently issued a warning about these kits after receiving reports about consumers who had injured themselves. You’re better off visiting a dermatologist, who can safely remove a lesion. Plus, they can perform the all-important screening for skin cancer. TAILOR VITAMIN C INTAKE TO YOUR WEIGHT When taking vitamin C, it’s best to take your weight into account. Researchers from the New University of Otago in New Zealand recommend a 60-kilogram person consume 110 milligrams of vitamin C per day through a balanced diet, while someone weighing 90 kilograms needs 140 milligrams. Eating foods like oranges – which contain on average 70 milligrams of vitamin C each – can help. 3