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There are a few problems with accessories: it’s easy to accumulate them, and unless you have an organiser made specifically for them, they’re hard to organise. So, start with your belts, and toss the ones you never wear. Next, address the ties or scarves, keeping only the ones you like and find yourself wearing. (Be ruthless. If you haven’t worn it in years, that’s likely not going to change.) Store the ones that are specific to only one outfit on the hanger with that outfit. Keep others in your line of sight, and organise them on a hanging rack; after all, if you don’t see them, you won’t wear them.



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Chances are, your costume-jewellery collection needs a little organisation. Between the statement necklaces, the stretch bracelets, and the dangling earrings, it can easily become a tangled mess. Sort the pieces, then group them by type and occasion. Set aside any you want to give away, and store the keepers. To keep your pieces tangle-free, try displaying them just like a retail store would – in a display case with hooks and holders. A wall-mounted organiser offers spots for stud earrings, watches, and more.

Bedside table

Bedside table
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Create a more restful sleeping environment by clearing the clutter from your bedside table. That dusty pile of magazines, the ones you never read at bedtime anyway, can be relocated to the living room. Keep only what you use, like the one book you’re currently reading, a journal, and pen. Storing it all in an organiser – that has spots for tissues, your tablet, and reading glasses – keeps things tidy. You might also want to add something that helps you sleep better or that makes you happy, like a favourite framed picture, but keep it to a minimum.

Finding it hard to get to sleep? Here is a guide to a deeper sleep.

Sock drawer

Sock drawer
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Your overflowing sock drawer needs your attention. How do we know? Because that’s the case for the majority of us. Dump the drawer and match up the pairs. And whatever you do, don’t simply put back lone socks or socks you don’t like. That’s how you got into this mess in the first place. Mate-less socks can be used for cleaning. Ones with holes can be sent to textile recycling. And the socks that you find uncomfortable, too tight, or too loose can be donated. For the ones you do keep, a collapsible drawer organiser gives you lots of slots for storage and also lets you know, at a glance, when you’re running low and probably need to do laundry.

Check out these absolutely brilliant uses for old socks.

Linen closet

Linen closet
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Do you even know how many sets of sheets and towels you own? If it’s hard to find the ones you need when you’re looking for them, then it’s time to trim down your linen collection. Empty the shelves, and sort everything – grouping like-size towels, putting washcloths with washcloths, and finding all the pieces of a sheet set. Fold and stack the keepers by usage, sliding dividers onto the shelves to prevent tall piles from tipping over. Send your least favourite or most threadbare sets to a local pet shelter to be used for bedding or baths.

Don’t go past these daily morning habits of highly organised people.

Laundry area

Laundry area
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Just a few minutes is all it takes to lighten the load in your laundry area. Prioritise the half-empty bottles for use, then toss them once they’re empty. Discard spray bottles with broken triggers. Give extra supplies, cleaning solutions that don’t work as promised, or ones you don’t like to a pet shelter; volunteers have never-ending piles of laundry to wash. Return the collection of things found inside pockets to where they belong. And finally, straighten up the remaining supplies and store them on a slim sliding shelf, like this one which fits in the smallest of spaces.

Don’t miss these expert laundry tips you wish you knew sooner.


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Taking photos with your phone is easy. Deleting the ones you don’t want or need is not. You snap the photos and move on, forgetting the most important step: hitting the delete button! So, take a few minutes to scroll through the photos and resolve to delete as many as you can manage. Delete them for any little reason at all –—bad lighting, blurry hands, or just too many of the same scene. Paring down to the best one means you’ve found the best image that tells the story, and that makes them easier to share, print, or organise into a book. You can also send stellar ones directly to a WiFi-enabled digital frame, letting you enjoy them instead of forgetting about them on your phone. One word of warning: try not to get side-tracked; it’s easy to start reminiscing when you start this process.

Vital records

Vital records
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We’re talking about the documents that can be difficult or expensive to replace if lost or stolen. Knowing where they are and that they are safe gives you peace of mind. Although you may have others, these types of documents are the ones you should pull together first: birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses and certificates, divorce decrees, court orders and other government-issued documents, your will and other estate-planning documents, deeds to show ownership of land, automobile and property titles, medical records and cards, and passports. Once you find them, store them in a fire- and water-resistant safe.


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Pull everything out of your shower and vanity. See what’s still in good condition and usable, toss anything that’s gunky, and recycle the empty bottles. Do you have some products that you tried but didn’t like? No matter how much they cost, if you don’t use them, don’t keep them. Next, think about your morning and bedtime routines, and keep the products you use for each grouped together and stored in a vanity organiser with drawers. Place your favourite everyday products back in the shower, and you’re all set!

Find out which everyday habits that can make you look younger.

Medicine cabinet

Medicine cabinet
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It’s important to have the right stuff on hand in case you or a family member gets sick. By organising the medicine cabinet, you’ll see what you have and what you don’t – and whether or not your must-have items have expired. First, group the medications and supplies into categories such as cold and flu, allergy, vitamins and supplements, prescriptions, dental, eye care, and bandages. As you group them, check the expiration dates and dispose of expired medications. Don’t forget to make a shopping list of anything you may need to replace. Once you have your items sorted into categories, use containers with labels to store them.

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