You may have diabetes

You may have diabetes
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As excess sugar spills into your urine, it creates a sweet, sugary smell (and taste), explains Dr Stephanie J. Kielb, an associate Professor of Urology. In this day and age, urologists run blood tests, not taste tests, to check for diabetes. But back in the 17th century, urologists would analyse urine samples for diabetes by using three of their senses: sight, smell, and taste. Thomas Mayo, a physician in the 1670s, described the taste of diabetic urine as “wonderfully sweet as if it were imbued with honey or sugar.”

“If you have uncontrolled diabetes, your body tries to get rid of extra blood sugar or glucose in the urine, creating the sweet smell,” she says. When your body isn’t getting the glucose it needs for energy, your body begins to burn fat for energy, which produces ketones. This is dangerous and can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis, the American Diabetes Association warns

“Ketones can give your urine a sulphur smell.”

A diabetes diagnosis can be scary. Here’s how to separate diabetes myths from truths.


You ingest a lot of vitamins

You ingest a lot of vitamins
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Sometimes your pee smells funny when you take certain kinds of multivitamins. Vitamins dissolve either in fat or water before they are absorbed by your body. Water-soluble vitamins are excreted into your urine, Dr Kielb says. Not only does this give your urine a strange ‘multivitamin pill’ odour, but it can also turn your urine a fluorescent green or greenish-yellow hue. The good news is that these vitamin-induced urine smells are harmless, so you can keep taking your daily vitamin supplements.

Here are 10 ways to make vitamins and minerals work better for you.

You live in a nursing home or just got out of the hospital

You live in a nursing home or just got out of the hospital
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If your urine smells like metal, you might have a pseudomonas infection. These infections are commonly found in hospital or nursing home patients because the bacteria that causes it (and also gives your pee a metallic scent) thrives in those environments. Sick or elderly people with compromised immune systems are particularly susceptible. “Once there’s a bacteria in the hospital or in the nursing home, it hangs around,” says Dr Craig Comiter, a urologist. “Once it gets there, it stays there. It’s part of the flora bacterial environment.”

A stay in hospital can be daunting. These insights will help you get better care.

You’re dehydrated

You’re dehydrated
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If your pee smells funny in a very distinct way, it’s time to drink up. Your urine can get super concentrated and take on a pungent smell similar to ammonia if you don’t drink the recommended seven to eight glasses of water a day. Your body needs water to dilute waste products in your urine. “People should strive to have urine that’s a light-yellow colour,” says Dr William Brant, a urologist at the University of Utah Health Care. “If it’s dark yellow or an amber colour, they’re probably not drinking enough water.”

As the weather warms up it’s important to stay hydrated. Here are some ways to prevent dehydration.

You don’t pee in a toilet

You don’t pee in a toilet

People who use catheters and urine drainage bags may complain of a stinky urine odour in their bags. “That bagged urine really smells because once it’s out of you, the bacteria flourish,” says Dr Comiter. “It’s not dangerous at all. It’s just the nature of an unsterile urine specimen.” He suggests dropping an aspirin in the bag because salicylic acid neutralises and banishes the bad smell. If the odour persists or your urine becomes cloudy, seek a doctor’s care.

You eat a hearty helping of vegetables

You eat a hearty helping of vegetables
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Vegetables are good for your body, but don’t be alarmed if they make your urine smell like rotten cabbage. Asparagus is a big culprit for smelly urine; in fact, your pee can start smelling like asparagus just 20 minutes after you eat it. Other foods, including Brussels sprouts, onions, cabbage, and turnips can also make your pee smell funky because of a metabolic by-product called methyl mercaptan, a gas with a putrid, sulphurous smell that emerges when your body breaks down these vegetables. “The vegetable is still healthy and a good part of your diet,” says Dr Brant. “These chemicals just happen to be things that we react to.” Try drinking more water to mute the smell of your urine.

You don’t take enough trips to the bathroom

You don’t take enough trips to the bathroom
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If you need to go, let it flow. Your pee smells funny (think old and smelly) when you frequently hold it in throughout the day. Dr Comiter refers to this condition as ‘teacher’s bladder’ or ‘trucker’s bladder’ because those are the people who tend to hold it in a lot since they don’t have as much time in the day to go to the bathroom due to their hectic schedules. “If you’re prone to infections or bacteria, then the bacteria will grow and grow until you pee them out,” says Dr Comiter. “If you’re holding on to it, you will get extra pungent urine.”

Are you using the toilet the wrong way? Find out here.

You may have a urinary tract infection

You may have a urinary tract infection
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Urinary tract infections can cause a foul odour that some patients describe as rotten food or sweaty socks. Bad bacteria that snuck its way into your bladder through your urethra often causes these strange odorous smells. There’s also another condition called asymptomatic bacteria that can cause your pee to smell but doesn’t necessarily mean you have a UTI. “About one-third of women over the age of 65 can have bacteria in the urine on and off,” says Dr Comiter. “But it doesn’t represent a risky infection because it’s just bacteria that flourishes in the urine and then disappears.” If you experience other symptoms like a burning sensation while peeing or a fever, see your doctor.


You douche too much

You douche too much
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The only thing you should be using to cleanse your vaginal area is water. Douching with fluids or chemicals will kill the good bacteria and allow bad bacteria to move in instead. “The vagina, the urine, a lot of your body is supposed to have a certain type of acidity,” says Brant. “If you mess with the acidity, things don’t work out very well.” The lesson here is to just leave your vagina alone. Your vagina and nose will thank you.

Your commitment to Keto

Your commitment to Keto
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Keto (low-to-no carb, high-fat, protein-heavy diets) are all the rage for weight loss. They work by forcing your body to burn fat for fuel instead of relying on glucose from carbs for energy. “A keto diet induces ketosis which is a metabolic state where your body uses fat for energy,” says Dr Kielb. “During this state, your urine and breath may both have an odour.” This high-fat, low-carb eating plan has its fans – and detractors.

Read this to test how well do you know your keto from your paleo?

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Source: RD Canada

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