Better toilets

Better toilets
Getty Images

One of the greatest positive impacts on the ocean could come from some seriously low technology: toilets. Toilets obviously collect human waste – thereby (in theory) keeping it out of the ocean and away from coral reefs, which is an enormous challenge in many under-resourced countries that also, coincidentally, points out the UN Foundation, live adjacent to coral reefs. And the next step: turning that refuse into things like fertiliser, which is often much-needed in these same communities.


Electric ships

Electric ships

Container ships, which cross our oceans to transport all sorts of consumer goods from port to port, are among the leading causes of global carbon emissions, according to the United Nations Foundation. Due to all the fuel they burn – typically “the heavy, residual oil left over after gasoline, diesel and other light hydrocarbons are extracted from crude oil during the refining process,” The Vancouver Sun reports, adding that it’s viscous, non-evaporating and extremely toxic to marine life. Needless to say, electric ships could be an enormous boon – to all of us.

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