Reader's Digest Singapore Sampler 2022

89 100% voted by consumers. View all results at businesses – seven years ahead of the original target. Greening Singapore Co-creating naturalised green spaces and amore sustainable society for families and their posterity in Singapore was part of AIA Singapore’s 90th anniversary pledge in 2021. AIA Singapore pledged S$5million to the National Parks Board’s registered charity, Garden City Fund – the largest contribution by an organisation to the OneMillionTrees movement and Garden City Fund’s Plant-A-Tree programme to date. Building an inclusive community Having served generations of Singaporeans since 1931, AIA is dedicated to building an inclusive community that encourages individuals and families to live Healthier, Longer, Better Lives. In this spirit, AIA Singapore launched its AIA Better Lives Fund last year to raise funds in support of disadvantaged children, youths and their families to give themgreater access to education, growth, and development. In February 2022, AIA launched the AIAOne Billion (AOB) initiative, a bold new ambition to engage one billion people to live Healthier, Longer, Better Lives by 2030. With AOB, AIA seeks to drive societal engagement and in doing so will engage, educate, inspire and support communities across Asia to improve their physical, mental, and financial health and wellness.  Visit PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES