Sleeping naked could improve your sleep quality
People may sleep better in cooler temps than warmer ones. Why? Your natural body temperature naturally declines as you sleep, says sleep coach, Christine Hansen. As your body temperature declines, your cortisol levels go down and your melatonin levels go up. “That’s why when it’s too hot, you feel nervous and jumpy and can’t sleep,” Hansen says. Because wearing PJs or sleeping under heavy covers can disrupt your body’s natural cool-down, it can, in turn, disrupt the quality of your sleep. However, you don’t want to be too cold either: if you’re so cold that you’re shivering, you’re probably not sleeping deeply. While there’s no one perfect temperature for good shut-eye, an ideal temperature is 17 – 19 degrees Celsius – but if you’re sleeping nude and waking up shivering, feel free to turn it up.
Sleeping naked could boost your self-confidence
Admittedly, the research here is limited, but Hansen believes it’s possible that sleeping naked can make you more at ease with yourself and your body. “It’s more the idea that you’re shedding a social norm that says being naked is bad or something you shouldn’t be or do that helps,” she says.
Check out these clear signs you’re not sleeping deeply enough.
Sleeping naked is pretty great for your sex life
There’s something really sexy about sliding into bed next to your significant other and feeling their skin on yours. And that skin-to-skin contact releases endorphins like oxytocin (also known as the hug hormone or the cuddle chemical), which puts you in the mood for sex. The research is limited, but “being naked is definitely more attractive than being in an old t-shirt or pyjamas,” Hansen says. “I think it could definitely make a difference in your sex life.”