Layer up

Layer up
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Travel blogger Neima Omas suggests dressing in layers to adapt to changes onboard. “I would start with the assumption that your plane is going to be too cold and advise they wear a couple of layers so people can adjust their clothing to their comfort,” Omas says. “Conversely, some planes are too hot, so if you layer up, you’ll be prepared for either situation.”


Walk the aisles

Walk the aisles

You probably know how walking improves your health. The same is true at 20,000 feet: blogger Taj Bates says legs can swell up and become painful during or after your trip, so be sure to walk the aisles regularly when you’re on a long-haul flight. “The longer the flight, the longer you sit, which heightens your risk of getting a blood clot in your leg – aka deep vein thrombosis,” Bates says. “When you’re walking around, your calf muscles are regularly contracting, which helps maintain blood circulation in your lower leg.” Every two hours, get up from your seat to stretch and get the blood flowing.

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