Here's how you can adopt the same strategies

Here's how you can adopt the same strategies
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Aeroplanes are pretty gross. Between a lot of people, and even more germs, you should definitely think twice before touching the air vents on a plane. Flight attendants don’t have much of a choice in the matter, though, and are constantly exposed to a barrage of bacteria. Yet somehow, they never get sick.
If you’re the type of person who feels sick after a single one-hour flight, you may be wondering how cabin crew members manage to stay healthy, despite being incredibly frequent flyers. Well, wonder no more, because several flight attendants have revealed how they never get sick at work and how you can adopt the same strategies.


Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated

Cabin supervisor, Taylor Strickland, has only called in sick once during her career. Her top tip? Drink “a tonne of water” while flying. “It’s dehydrating to fly, and if you’re dehydrated, your body’s a little weaker, which makes it harder to fight off the germs you’re encountering,” she tells Reader’s Digest. Similarly, Lauren Guilfoyle, a cabin crew member for Emirates Airline, says that she buys a litre of water before each flight and drinks it during the trip.

Find out the ways your body changes when you start drinking enough water.

But avoid tap water, coffee, or tea

But avoid tap water, coffee, or tea

Even though you should definitely stay hydrated, it’s best to avoid these beverages. Among other things, a 2015 study on the water quality on aeroplanes found that the water tanks are ‘conducive to microbial growth’. Instead, ask for bottled water or bring your own.

Caffeine: does it harm or heal? Find out here.

Use moist towelettes on your hands

Use moist towelettes on your hands
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Not only is it refreshing to clean your hands with some wet wipes or moist towelettes, but it also helps keep germs at bay. In addition to wet wipes, Guilfoyle also stays refreshed by using a hydrating mist and putting argan oil on her face.

Take an immune system support supplement

Take an immune system support supplement
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Even though immune system boosters lack the science to back up all their claims, people still swear by them as a way to prevent getting sick. Strickland is one of those people and says that she always keeps it stocked on the plane as a preemptive measure. “It’s great because they make the small packets to travel with and now they make gummies,” she notes.

Check out these simple habits to naturally boost your immune system.

Disinfect the plane’s surfaces

 Disinfect the plane’s surfaces
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Unfortunately, many parts of aeroplanes aren’t cleaned the way they should, so sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands. Strickland always carries around travel packs of wipes, and during a flight, she wipes down surfaces with antispectic wipes to disinfect as much as possible.

But never eat directly off of tray tables

But never eat directly off of tray tables

While it’s a good idea to bring your own antibacterial wipes and clean your tray table, you’re still safer not eating off of it directly. “The dirtiest part of the plane has to be the tray tables – people constantly lay their heads, change babies’ diapers, and rest their feet on them,” a flight attendant for JetBlue told Business Insider. “I wouldn’t eat off of that even after sanitising it.”

Read on for the most dangerous foods on the planet.

Juice it up

Juice it up
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Strickland is also a fan of drinking different green juices that incorporate ingredients like ginger and lemon. “Most may think they’re a fad, but it helps me get different nutrients on the go,” she says.

Try to relax and de-stress

Try to relax and de-stress
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There is definitely a connection between stress and your health, so you’re best off avoiding it whenever possible. One way that Guilfoyle does this is by using a few drops of lavender essential oils to relax.

Avoid caffeine

Avoid caffeine
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As tempting as it is to grab a cup of coffee before an early-morning flight, Guilfoyle advises against it. “Avoid caffeine and alcohol as they are a major cause of dehydration,” she says. “Instead, try a fruit juice to keep you hydrated during your trip.”

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