Wear gloves and a mask

Wear gloves and a mask

Before you start cleaning, put on a face mask and rubber gloves, recommends board-certified allergist Dr Neeta Ogden. The mask will help you avoid breathing in allergens, and the gloves will keep them away from your whole face. “Even quickly touching your eye or face can lead to allergens reaching your eyes and portals to your airway through the nose and mouth,” says Dr Ogden.


Clean one window at a time

Clean one window at a time

Spring-cleaning is the time to hit spots you don’t clean every week, like windows. But keeping the panes open too long could let pollen, mould, and other allergens inside. “I would do one window at a time,” says Dr Stephen Kimura, an allergist and immunologist. “Open it, clean it, and shut it right away.” Keep the AC running as you go so the air can filter, he says.

Let clothes dry inside

Let clothes dry inside

No matter how much you love the idea of letting clothes dry in the natural sunlight, stay away from an outdoor clothesline. “If you’re pollen or mould allergic and have clothes out there, they will attract those pollens and you’ll be exposed in high quantities to those allergens,” says Dr Kimura. Any clothes that can’t go in the dryer should hang dry indoors.

Pick the right vacuum

Pick the right vacuum

Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, which is designed to keep dust in the vacuum instead of blowing back up into the air, says Dr Ogden. Also look out for new models with complete seal technology to keep even more allergens in, she suggests. “You definitely don’t want to go with a regular old vacuum,” she says.

Leave carpet shampoo to the pros

Leave carpet shampoo to the pros

Shampooing a carpet obviously means getting your carpet wet. The problem is, dust mites love spots with more than 50 per cent humidity and might start gathering in the damp wood or padding under the carpet, says Dr Mark Aronica, an allergist. “It should be done by a professional cleaner, where things are cleaned up and dried as quickly as possible,” he says.

Check out these other surprising things that make allergies worse.

Don’t dust dry

Don’t dust dry

Dusting with a dry cloth could work against you, says Dr Ogden. “Dusting in and of itself is not very helpful if you’re just disseminating dust back in the air,” she says. She recommends using a damp cloth or a vinegar solution when wiping down surfaces to actually trap the dust.

Don’t miss these other weird ways your house can make you sick.

Pay attention to clutter

Pay attention to clutter

Don’t ignore your usual decluttering when you’re spring cleaning. “Piles of books and magazines and things collect dust,” says Dr Kimura. Toss the junk while you spring clean to keep the allergens in your home low.

Clean mould hands-off

Clean mould hands-off

Mould can trigger allergies, so cleaning it out effectively can be a challenge. The last thing you want is to hover over the shower scrubbing away at the allergen, so Dr Ogden suggests using a product you can spray. “You can hold them away from yourself and spray into the shower,” she says. “You return in 15 minutes and run the shower, and that’s it.” Use a solution that’s 10 per cent bleach, which is strong enough to kill mould but weak enough for your allergies to tolerate, says Dr Aronica.

Run a fan

Run a fan

Opening windows to air out fumes will just bring allergens in, but running a fan can help. “Make sure you’ve got the exhaust hood running in the bathroom or kitchen to keep strong odours from bothering you,” says Dr Kimura.

Use natural products

Use natural products

Stick with fragrance-free cleaning products because scented options can make allergies worse. “It’s not a direct allergic reaction so much as an irritant to a nose that’s already inflamed or irritated,” says Dr Aronica. Use natural cleaning products when you can, like mopping with a vinegar and water solution, suggests Dr Kimura.

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