Can you freeze milk?

Can you freeze milk?
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If you’re not drinking milk every day, the idea of finishing off a two litre carton can be daunting. After all, you don’t have much time to waste: milk lasts only four to seven days past its use-by date once opened.

Luckily, we know a simple trick to avoid having to pour your milk (and money!) down the drain. Follow along to learn how to freeze milk.

Yes, milk can last for several months in the freezer, but for the best quality, we advise consuming it within the first month. After that point, milk will begin to separate and turn grainy.

Because freezing changes the texture of milk, most people prefer to cook with thawed milk instead of drink it.

Here’s how long food lasts after you pull it out of the freezer.


Tips for freezing milk

Tips for freezing milk

Freezing milk is simple, but you need to avoid a few pitfalls.

Always leave 2-4cm of headspace in the container before freezing. Like other liquids, milk expands when it’s frozen. Having too much in the container can cause it to crack.

Store milk in an airtight container. Milk is highly susceptible to picking up odours from other foods in the freezer. This can change the milk’s flavour once thawed.

Skim milk is more freezer-friendly than full-fat milk. Milk with a higher fat content separates more readily when thawed.

Here are 14 foods you think are dairy-free, but aren’t.

The best way to freeze milk

The best way to freeze milk

Our favourite way to freeze milk was brought to us by reader Ruth M:

“To save it, I pour it into clean ice cube trays and freeze them. When they’re frozen, I put the cubes in heavy-duty resealable plastic bags or containers. When a recipe calls for milk, I take out just the number of cubes needed.”

Using Ruth’s tip can help you save freezer space, plus it lets you thaw exactly the amount of milk you need.

For reference, two cubes in the average ice cube tray will equal about 1/4 cup milk.

Learn how to freeze herbs.

How to thaw frozen milk

How to thaw frozen milk

Simply leave frozen milk in the fridge to thaw overnight. If the milk has separated a bit, give it a vigorous shake before using.

Here are 10 more foods you had no idea you could freeze.

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Source: RD Canada

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