Why do cats lick themselves so much?

Why do cats lick themselves so much?

Adult cats spend up to 50 per cent of their waking hours grooming, according to veterinarian Dr Cynthia McManis. Read on to discover the surprising reasons your cat spends so much of its time licking.


To protect against predators

To protect against predators

Cats instinctively clean away food and additional odour-causing agents so they will not be detected by potentially threatening animals.

To cool down

To cool down

Cats sweat a little from their paws, but they mostly rely on saliva evaporation on their fur to maintain normal body temperature. Grooming controls around one-third of a cat’s cooling process.

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For fur maintenance and warmth

For fur maintenance and warmth

By licking itself, a cat helps distribute its natural oils evenly around its coat. This oil guards against dampness and seals in heat.

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To keep wounds clean

To keep wounds clean

Cat saliva is thought to contain enzymes that turn it into a natural antibiotic. If your cat licks a wound, it may be guarding against infection. Regardless, you should always see your veterinarian if your cat sustains an injury.

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To stimulate blood flow

To stimulate blood flow

Similar to how a hairbrush promotes blood flow on the scalp, your cat’s tongue – which is covered in tiny, bristle-like hairs – improves circulation.

To show friendship

To show friendship

Familiar cats will groom each other as a sign of affection. Think of it as a kitty kiss, since it involves saliva exchange and mutual trust.

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For relaxation

For relaxation

Cats take comfort in the ritual of self-cleaning. Remember, certain qualities indicate a healthy coat of fur, including:

  • Shine and a soft, lush texture
  • Little dander
  • No black specks, which can be a sign of fleas
  • No bald patches
  • Not a lot of dead undercoat, since your cat normally removes it

To promote these qualities, feed your cat food that contains quality natural ingredients, essential nutrients and amino acids. Visit your veterinarian regularly to stay ahead of common problems, and establish a daily brushing routine with your cat. “Both cats and owners should look forward to this productive time together,” says veterinarian Dr Jane Brunt.

Now that you know why cats lick themselves so much, find out the most common mistakes cat owners make.

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Source: RD.com

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