Think of the obvious first
Though skin problems can be a sign of a more serious illness, especially when saddled with dry skin or itchiness, don’t jump to a worst-case scenario, says Dr High. If you’re itchy, first try a moisturiser. If you get hives, take an antihistamine or try a hydrocortisone cream. Then if the problem doesn’t clear up quickly, it may be time to see your doctor.
Discover 41 strange symptoms that can signal a serious disease.
When you should definitely see a doctor
Not every skin change is cause for alarm. But if you have new rashes that don’t go away in a week or two or are accompanied by pain, fevers, puss collection, or chills, or they coincide with other symptoms mentioned, see your doctor, advises Dr Reynolds.
And also consider your diet, here are the 8 worst foods for skin that dermatologists avoid.
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