They know how to chill out
Maybe you’re a stickler for Zumba, you have favourite music that instantly mellows you out, or curling up with a novel makes the stress of a day melt away.
Whatever the method, regular de-stressing is a critical habit of people who don’t get sick.
If you’re constantly frazzled, you’re at higher risk for everything from a heart attack to diabetes to irritable bowel syndrome.
They take cold showers
A small body of scientific literature indicates exposure to cold water may increase the body’s natural antioxidants.
Watch out for these 22 bathroom mistakes you never knew you made.
They take vitamins
It’s important to take your vitamins regularly.
One supplement that you might be forgetting though is brewer’s yeast.
It’s full of B vitamins, protein and trace minerals, all vital for good health and not getting sick.
Discover 10 ways to make vitamins and minerals work better for you.