How to slow down ageing

Yes, it is possible to take steps that will help you look younger, feel younger, and keep yourself in tip-top shape. What’s more, these steps may slow down the negative affects of ageing and even potentially add years to your life. Here are the expert secrets you need to know.
Check out these anti-ageing treatments doctors actually use.
Deep-six the sugar

Sugar is public health enemy No. 1 when it comes to ageing, says plastic surgeon, Dr Anthony Youn. “One study attributed 184,000 deaths each year to sugary drinks like soft drinks and cordial,” he says. “Not only do they increase your risk of [type 2] diabetes and being overweight, but the sugar in the drinks also can make you look older.”
Give up gluten, if you have a sensitivity

Gluten-free diets are trendy, Dr Youn says, and for some people they make sense. About one per cent of the population has coeliac disease, a serious autoimmune condition in which gluten – a type of protein found in wheat and other grains – triggers an immune attack on the intestines. For those people, a gluten-free diet is essential to avoid malnutrition, fertility problems, osteoporosis and a host of other health problems. Other people can have a gluten sensitivity, “which can cause [gastrointestinal] distress, brain fog, weight gain and generalised inflammation,” he says. Inflammation is the smoking gun in a long list of diseases that can shave years off your life. That said, most experts do not recommend going gluten free unless you have to. Gluten-free diets can be expensive and also make it more challenging to get the nutrients that you need.