You’re always at the gym

While keeping an ambitious workout schedule is admirable, rest days are necessary, especially as muscles age. “Intense, prolonged exercise and sleep deprivation will release and increase levels of cortisol in the blood,” sports and rehab therapist Jav Asaro told “This will have a counter effect to insulin and increase blood sugars. These sugars go through a process and end up as a product known as Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs). AGEs then bond between the collagen fibres causing reduced elasticity, blotches, and premature wrinkles.” To reduce this type of inflammation, include at least one rest day per week.
You maintain poor posture

Whether you’re exercising, taking a walk, or sitting in front of your desk at work, good posture is a must. Poor posture, on the other hand, can reshape your spine and give you a perpetually hunched back. To incorporate age-defying alignment into your exercise regime, practice with a trainer or coach who can keep your placement in check. If postural awareness is the issue, enrol in a yoga, Pilates, or ballet class to learn the principles of alignment.
Check out this guide on the best swimming workouts to burn fat quickly.
You leave out power moves

Ever notice how the older you get, the slower your reaction times become? Keep yourself sharp by incorporating power moves into your exercise routine. Lifting heavy weights (as opposed to lifting lighter ones for more reps), performing explosive jumps, and running sprints with speed in mind will build fast-twitch muscle fibre and keep your reaction times quick.