'Depression hair'

'Depression hair'

Self-care is one of the first things to go when someone is in a deep state of depression, and your stylist can see immediately when you’ve let things go. Here are some common signs, according to Kristy:

Unusually long times between appointments

Longer-than-normal hair (for that particular client)

Slightly matted or tangled hair, particularly in curly-haired clients

Breakage from being in a permanent bun

Hair that just seems uncared for

Your stylist may also notice changes to your posture, the type of clothes you’re wearing and your overall hygiene, all of which could also indicate you’re struggling with depression. Helping someone get their hair back to a healthy and beautiful state can do wonders for a client’s mood and confidence, Kristy adds. “It’s an instant pick-me-up!”

How often should you wash your hair? Read on to find out.


If you’re pregnant or recently had a baby

If you’re pregnant or recently had a baby
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Big hormone swings, like those that happen during and after pregnancy, can significantly change the texture, thickness and overall appearance of a woman’s hair. “I have a regular client who didn’t even have to tell me she was pregnant,” says Kristy. “I could tell just from how thick and shiny her hair had become!”

Expectant or new mothers often want easy-to-manage hairstyles and may prefer to avoid chemical dyes or treatments, she adds. Similarly, after childbirth, many women lose hair, especially along their hairline, and want to cut their hair short or get a fringe to cover the uneven hairline as it grows back in.

How you book the appointment

How you book the appointment

“My clients over age 40 almost always call to schedule appointments, cancel or ask questions,” says Audie. “But my younger clients, especially those under 20, are much more comfortable booking appointments online and hate calling for any reason. They’ll text me – or, I swear, they’d even use smoke signals – before they’ll voice call.”

While this may not say much about your hairstyle, it certainly impacts your ability to make appointments and your stylist’s ability to accommodate you. Audie adds that this sometimes means her younger clients don’t get what they need because they try to book online at the last minute, miss appointment reminders or don’t get important questions answered. On the other hand, she does appreciate their comfort with technology when it comes to using the electronic payment system – which her older clients sometimes struggle with.

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Source: RD.com

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