How did the moon form?

How did the moon form?

The moon’s gravitational pull is responsible for the rise and fall of the ocean tides, but how did the moon come to be? After all, it took a hundred million years after the solar system and its planets began to form before the moon actually sprang into existence. Several theories exist, none of which is close to being proven. Meanwhile, one potential key to figuring out how we got a moon is to understand why Venus doesn’t have one, according to Dave Stevenson, a professor of planetary science at the California Institute of Technology. We still haven’t figured that one out, either.

Here are 17 science “facts” that are actually not true.


Did life originate on Earth?

Did life originate on Earth?

We take it for granted that life on Earth actually began here – but that’s not actually accurate. Scientists are finding evidence that life on Earth may have come from Mars and was brought to this planet by a meteorite. The trouble is that scientists can’t even agree on which area of science will provide the answer, let alone whether science is even where we should look.

Check out these 11 natural landscapes that even scientists can’t explain.

Is there alien life?

Is there alien life?

Since the early 1960s, scientists have theorised that it’s extremely likely that intelligent life exists outside of Earth. The trouble is that we have zero scientific evidence. In fact, we have no hard scientific evidence that any life exists outside of earth, at least so far. But the time may be drawing closer when science confirms that there is life elsewhere in our solar system, or the galaxy, or at least somewhere in the universe.

Here are 12 audio tracks we’ve sent into deep space.

Who’s in charge here?

Who’s in charge here?

Does someone or something start the whole process that led to you reading these words on an electronic screen? Or is everything that’s happened in the history of ever simply the result of a process guided by laws of science? While many notable scientific thinkers say God is a myth, not all scientists are atheists. This is one we’re unlikely to solve – at least during our lifetime.

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