Don’t forget to clear out digital clutter

Don’t forget to clear out digital clutter

“Digital clutter can be just as burdensome as physical clutter. To cut down on this, shut off automatic download of messages and start fetching emails only when you’re ready to deal with them. Also, set up a secondary email account for things like newsletters and promotional mail. Use an e-mail sorting system. Take five minutes every so often to clear out your pictures, text messages, music and other electronic files on a regular basis. Set up a recurring appointment on your phone calendar to remind you.” —Maura Thomas, founder of and author of Personal Productivity Secrets

Here’s how to organise your digital clutter.


Have an electronics hub in every room

Have an electronics hub in every room

“Have a place for all your mobile electronics, like iPads and phones, in every room you spend time in, not just in the kitchen or office. Since electronic items tend to move from room to room, having just one place in the home to store them doesn’t really work. Make the storage method fit each room. For instance, round baskets or an ottoman with storage can sit on the floor next to couches; decorative bowls or boxes function well on table tops; and magazine holders work in a tight space. Keep each station stocked with the necessities like different chargers, remotes and earphones.” —Jeffrey Welder of Vänt Wall Panels

Play the matching game

Play the matching game

“Start small, with one room or even just one drawer. Then empty everything out of the space and sort it into categories, grouping like items together. Once you see how much of each type of thing that you have, it will be easier to get rid of duplicates.” —Joanna Monahan

Use a zone defence against clutter

Use a zone defence against clutter

“Designate one place in your home, called a zone, for each category of items. For instance, have only one place for office supplies, one place for sports equipment, one place for shoes, and so forth. Clearly label each zone to help you and your family know where to look for [items] and to return items to their proper homes.” —Joanna Monahan

Check out our ultimate living room cleaning guide.

Pick one of four destinations

Pick one of four destinations

“It isn’t enough to pull out all the stuff you just don’t need. Purge it from your home by either trashing it, recycling it, thrifting it, or consigning it. This will help you become more mindful about what you really need.” —Evan Zislis, professional organiser and author of ClutterFree Revolution: Simplify Your Stuff, Organise Your Life & Save the World

Your stuff should support your life goals, not the other way around

Your stuff should support your life goals, not the other way around

“You need to clarify what is really important to you. Then organise the stuff that supports who you want to be and what you want to do before you’re dead and gone.” —Evan Zislis

Freebies aren’t free

Freebies aren’t free

“Just say no to free pads of paper, branded items, and other things you pick up at conferences, schools, or store events. Those items usually result in unused clutter around your house. Also say no to buy-one-get-one-free deals and bargains at the store too. Really, when are you ever going to use up six boxes of staples? And storing them isn’t free.” —Sara Skillen, Certified Professional Organiser

Your refrigerator is your biggest cupboard

Your refrigerator is your biggest cupboard

“The refrigerator is one of the most frequently used ‘cupboards’ in the home, yet it is often forgotten when it comes to getting organised. Eliminate ‘lost’ food in the back by placing a lazy Susan at the rear of shelves to make rear spaces more functional and the items stored there, such as condiments, more accessible and usable. In addition, store food in clear glass standardised storage containers. When you can see the food, you are more likely to eat it.” —Debra Baida, owner of Liberated Spaces

Learn the 11 secrets of people who always have an organised fridge.

Make storage fun

Make storage fun

“For long-term results, design spaces with style and vibrancy, flexibility and function. This will give you the inspiration you’ll need to maintain your newly organised systems. In other words, make it fun and pretty!” —Evan Zislis

Start organising your kitchen with the pantry

Start organising your kitchen with the pantry

“How many times have you gone to the store and wondered if you had pasta at home in your pantry? You’re not sure, so you buy another box, only to get home and find you have 20 already. To avoid this dilemma, pull everything out of your pantry and trash it if it’s expired. Donate unopened items you don’t like to a food bank. Then put your stuff back in but label your shelves with a name under each item. Only put foods on their designated shelf and you will never have to wonder how much pasta you really have.” —Alissa Dorfman

Here are 13 pantry items you’re probably keeping for too long.

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