When you buy prepackaged ground meat in one of those tubes or foam containers…

When you buy prepackaged ground meat in one of those tubes or foam containers…

…it may have come from hundreds of cows. If just one of those cows had E. coli on its hide, it’s now in your hamburger. If you ask a grocery store meat cutter to grind your hamburger in the store, it’s coming from just one cow. There’s still a risk of contamination, but it’s a much lower one. —Bill Marler, food-safety advocate


Everyone handles the produce

Everyone handles the produce

I’ve seen customers drop something, pick it up, and put it back on the shelf. I’ve seen kids take a bite and put the item back. It took me a long time to start eating fresh fruits and vegetables again after working in a store. —Aimee Brittain

The carts never get cleaned

The carts never get cleaned

I’ve seen babies soiling carts and carts with chicken juice leaking on them. That’s why I give them a once-over with my own sanitising wipes. —Aimee Brittain

You can't win at bagging

You can't win at bagging

If you put a loaf of bread in a bag by itself, some people get mad because they want it with their other groceries. But other customers get mad if you don’t put the bread in a separate bag. —Jason Swett

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