No regulation says vets have to check certain lists before they euthanise an animal

No regulation says vets have to check certain lists before they euthanise an animal
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“Lots of vets still do convenience euthanasia for owners who prefer the easy way out. We see a lot of euthanasia in November and December, for example, just because people are getting ready for the holidays. I refuse to do it.” —Oscar Chavez, veterinarian


Your $2,000 designer dog is a mutt

Your $2,000 designer dog is a mutt
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“Puppy stores and breeders have created these cute names like Morkipoos and Puggles, and now people are paying $2,000 for a dog they couldn’t give away at the pound ten years ago. Whoever started the trend is a marketing genius.” — Dennis Leon, veterinarian

I hate retractable leashes

I hate retractable leashes
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“The stopping mechanism pops open so easily, and suddenly the pet is flying to the end of it, and maybe it’s into the street or into the jaws of another dog. I’ve had people bring in a pet who got hit by a car because they were using a retractable leash and the stopping mechanism broke.” — Bernadine Cruz, veterinarian

Healthy pets don’t need vitamins

Healthy pets don’t need vitamins
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“Even though you see vitamins on the shelves in pet stores, healthy pets don’t need them. The pet food companies have spent billions of dollars to make sure their food is properly balanced with every vitamin and mineral a pet needs.” — veterinarian

Don’t feed your pet a raw-food diet

Don’t feed your pet a raw-food diet
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“Some people are really into a raw-food diet for pets, but it’s a huge public health hazard. Think about it: You have raw meat, you’re touching it, your dog touches it, and then your dog goes and licks the baby. I’ve had two patients die and two patients get really sick from it.” — Amber Andersen, veterinarian.

The cheaper, over-the-counter spot-on flea and tick treatments are extremely dangerous

The cheaper, over-the-counter spot-on flea and tick treatments are extremely dangerous
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“I’ve seen animals having violent seizures after using them; I’ve seen animals die. Ironically, most of these animals still have live fleas crawling all over them.” — veterinarian

Indoor cats don’t really need to be vaccinated

Indoor cats don’t really need to be vaccinated
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“After their kitten vaccinations, indoor cats don’t really need to be vaccinated. They’re not going to get diseases sitting inside the house. Vaccines have the potential to create a lot of harm for cats, including possible tumours at the vaccine site.” — Jill Elliot, veterinarian

Don’t judge your dog’s health by his nose

Don’t judge your dog’s health by his nose
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“A cold, wet nose on a dog does not necessarily mean he’s healthy. I’ve seen plenty of sick dogs with wet noses.” — Mark Howes, veterinarian

Here’s what your vet wants you to know about your pet’s food.

The biggest mistake pet owners make is calling the vet too late

The biggest mistake pet owners make is calling the vet too late
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“Pets rarely get colds or the flu, and they almost never get food poisoning. So if they’re sick for more than a day, call us.” — Sandy Willis, veterinarian

If your animal is really sick, it’s better to bring him in during the morning

If your animal is really sick, it’s better to bring him in during the morning
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“A vet I once worked with would do a huge workup when a sick animal came in early. But if the animal came in late in the day, the vet would actually encourage the owner to euthanise. But I would add that this is not common.” — veterinarian

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