They take a nap

They take a nap

Escape to your car for a quick snooze (without driving, of course), or arrange yourself at your desk so you get a bit of shut-eye without attracting weird looks from your coworkers. A 10- or 15-minute nap can leave you refreshed and less tense.

This is exactly how to take a nap that energises you.


They eat a healthy breakfast

They eat a healthy breakfast

Common breakfast choices like cereal and white bread are full of sugar, which gives you a quick energy burst but makes you crash soon after. Once your blood sugar drops, you’ll be left craving even more high-kilojoule, fatty foods by midday. To keep blood sugar steady, pick a breakfast of slow-digesting foods like lean proteins and whole grains, which will keep you full until lunch.

Learn more with these 27 healthy breakfast ideas to start each day right.

They have a mini potluck

They have a mini potluck

Get some social support for your healthy efforts by gathering a group of coworkers who are also interested in nutritious food and weight loss. Once a week, have everyone bring in a healthy dish to share, and exchange recipes and fitness tips.

They use healthy foods to boost performance

They use healthy foods to boost performance

One high school found that after replacing soft drink machines with water, energy drinks, and juice, and offering healthier food options, students started concentrating more and behaving better. Making healthier choices could boost your productivity in the office too.

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