It’s easier on your heart

It’s easier on your heart

In general, those with “Type A” personality and people who have high levels of hostility are both thought to possess low levels of patience, says clinical psychologist Dr Christopher Lootens. “Findings have indicated that people in either of those groups have significantly increased risk of heart disease, suggesting a link between patience and decreased heart risks,” Dr Lootens says.


Relax your body and mind

Relax your body and mind

Dr Lootens says effects of impatience can cause laboured breathing, increased muscle tension, verbal or nonverbal hostility, and more. He suggests using coping methods to “reverse” that behaviour in the moment. “This would include relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, or pleasant imagery,” he says.

Try these foods to help reduce stress.

Reframe your thinking

Reframe your thinking

If you become impatient by everyday things, such as waiting in line at the supermarket, Dr Lootens suggests that you take a look around and recognise that everyone has to wait and let this become part of your thought process. Say to yourself, “I’d love to be served immediately, but that isn’t always realistic. I’ll be fine if I have to wait five minutes.”

Practise mindfulness

Practise mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of stopping and observing without judgment, says Wendy Whitsett, a professional counsellor. “Mindfulness allows us to be present in the moment,” she says. There are multiple ways to practice mindfulness, with a goal to gain patience, even if just for a few minutes at a time. “You can use your five senses to help you start a mindfulness practice,” says Whitsett. “It can be as simple as watching the sunset and taking the time to stop and be present in that moment.”

Here are 15 hacks that make running errands so much better.

Cultivate empathy

Cultivate empathy

Patience helps to build empathy, because when you are patient with others, you learn tolerance and are better able to understand the feelings of others, says Kimberly Hershenson, a therapist specialising in cognitive behavioural therapy.

Think before you speak or send an email

Think before you speak or send an email

Hershenson suggests pausing before you speak or write something via email or text. “Sometimes we speak without considering the consequences, but if you take time to think about what you want to say, you can avoid hurting others,” she says.

Know your triggers

Know your triggers

Take notice of what irritates you or escalates your feelings of impatience, says an article in Psychology Today. The article suggests individuals should know the signs of stress and what factors trigger their impatience.

Here are 11 ways the most productive people handle their emails.

Learn how to calm down

Learn how to calm down

Most likely stressors are in your life, but according to the University of Michigan, you can implement coping skills to feel better. The article suggests ideas like exercise, taking a nature walk, playing with your pet or journal writing to reduce the effects of stress.

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