Is it a keloid?

Is it a keloid?
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Trying to figure out what is causing the bumps on your skin can be hard. And really, the only way to know for sure is to consult a dermatologist, which we recommend. However, one potential cause is a keloid, which occurs when scar tissue grows excessively, explains Dr Gary Goldenberg, a dermatologist and an assistant clinical professor of dermatology. They often form around a wound or incision, but they may appear after a bad bout of acne. “Keloids are red, raised and can be itchy or painful,” he says. They’re more common in darker skin and often show up on the ears, chest, face or back. Many different treatments work alone or together to improve keloid scarring including steroid injections to flatten the scar, cryosurgery to freeze the scar tissue so it sloughs off, laser resurfacing and surgery, he says. “You do need realistic expectations about how much keloid scarring can be improved with any treatment,” says Dr Goldenberg.


Is it a skin tag?

Is it a skin tag?

What are skin tags? Well, they are exactly what they sound like – tiny, soft skin-coloured growths, Dr Goldenberg says: “They often develop around the eyelids, armpits, groin or other areas that are easily rubbed or irritated.” Medically known as acrochordons, skin tags are more common if you are overweight, pregnant, or have diabetes. They are not harmful. “If they bother you, a doctor can freeze, laser, or snip them off,” he says.

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Is it a hive?

Is it a hive?

Do your bumps on skin itch like crazy? Tend to come and go? Get worse at night? If so, it could be a hive, Dr Goldenberg says. Also known as urticaria, hives are usually a result of an allergy. Viruses can cause hives too, but many times you can’t pinpoint the cause of hives, which can be frustrating, he says. “If you know you break out in hives when you eat a certain food or are exposed to a specific chemical, avoid those triggers,” says Dr Goldenberg. Over-the-counter antihistamines such as Benadryl or Zyrtec can also help curb the itching. An injectable, Xolair (omalizumab), can be used to treat chronic hives, so ask your doctor if it could help you.

Here are 11 things your itchy skin can reveal about your health.

Is it a wart?

Is it a wart?

These are probably familiar, given how common they are. Warts are usually small skin-coloured growths that feel rough when you touch them. Some may be sprinkled with tiny black dots. “They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), and often occur on the hands and feet,” Dr Goldenberg says. There are are over 100 types of HPV, and certain types can infect the reproductive tract, throat, anus, or genital area, and be sexually transmitted. Warts on your hands or feet can be tough to get rid of, but you can try over-the-counter solutions for warts, or opt for lasers or excision (where the doc cuts it out).

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Is it a cyst?

Is it a cyst?

It’s alarming to feel or spot a cyst, but don’t hit the panic button. Cysts are harmless, closed pockets of tissue filled with fluid or other material. “They look and feel like balloon sacs under the skin,” says Dr Goldenberg. They may disappear on their own, but some cysts may burst or cause symptoms such as pain or itching and require treatment. Whatever you do, “don’t try to squeeze them at home as this creates inflammation and will make things worse,” he warns.

Is it a swollen lymph node?

Is it a swollen lymph node?

We have lymph nodes or bean-shaped organs all over our bodies. These super-important glands are tasked with recognising and fighting germs, infections and other intruders. If a swollen lymph node appears suddenly as a painful lump under the skin, it may be a sign of infection. Slow, painless swelling in the lymph node, however, may be more serious, though you’ll be happy to hear that only rarely are swollen lymph nodes caused by cancer. Better safe than sorry, though – if you are concerned about a swollen lymph node, see your doctor to find out what is going on.

DIscover 15 things cancer doctors do to avoid cancer.

Is it keratosis pilaris?

Is it keratosis pilaris?

KP is short for keratosis pilaris and is sometimes called chicken skin. KPs are small, hard and rough bumps on skin of the arms, legs or the butt. They are really just plugs of dead skin cells. “KP is associated with eczema, and doesn’t require treatment unless it is itchy or bothers you,” Dr Goldenberg says. “Moisturising with products that contain lactic acid, glycolic acid or salicylic acid can help exfoliate the bumps and smooth skin.” But, he warns, the minute you stop slathering on the cream, the KP will come right back.

Learn about 7 skin conditions that look like acne but aren’t.

Is it seborrheic keratosis (SK)?

Is it seborrheic keratosis (SK)?

Seborrheic keratosis or SK is an extremely common coloured skin growth. They may be beige, brown or even black. “SKs are non-cancerous, but they can look like skin cancer and sometimes may be sent to the lab to be sure,” Dr Goldenberg says. Marked by multiple small, dark growths that tend to appear on the chest, back, head, or neck. If they bother you, SKs can be frozen, burned, scraped or shaved off, he says. Ask your dermatologist if they offer a specific topical drug called A-101, which can be applied in office, says Dr Goldenberg. The lesion gradually and painlessly sloughs off.

Is it a lipoma?

Is it a lipoma?

Lipomas are harmless fatty tumours found under the skin. They feel soft and doughy and are often seen in the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, arms and thighs. “You can easily move them around, and they may be painful or quite large,” Dr Goldenberg says. Radiologists can do a simple ultrasound imaging test to diagnose a lipoma. “Surgery, steroid injections and/or liposuction may be options, but no treatment is necessary unless you are bothered by it,” he says.

Is it a cherry angioma?

Is it a cherry angioma?

If you have collections of bumps on the skin that are red you might have cherry angiomas, which tend to occur in people 30 or older. As the name suggests, these benign growths are bright cherry-red in colour. “They are usually only treated for cosmetic reasons,” Dr Goldenberg says.

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