Keep it moving

Keep it moving

Making sure you’re getting some exercise during the day will help you sleep better. Not only can exercise improve your sleep health, it plays an important role in preventing heart attacks and stroke, mood stability and even preventing cancer. “We recommend exercising in the morning rather than in the evening because it has an energising effect,” says Boulos. You should also avoid caffeine within six hours of bedtime and limit yourself to two cups of coffee per day. Boulos recommends avoiding fluids right before bed so you’re not waking up to urinate.


No blue light in the bedroom

No blue light in the bedroom
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Scrolling on your phone or streaming a show or two in the evening hours is OK, but avoiding it for at least an hour before bed is a critical part of having good sleep hygiene. Light and sound exposure will make it harder to fall asleep and can decrease sleep quality, so there should never be any televisions, laptops or phones in the bedroom. (And yes, if you use your phone as an alarm clock, switch to an old-school one.) “Your bedroom should only be for sleep and intimacy,” he says.

Seek out some sun

Seek out some sun
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A lack of natural light can impact our ability to feel energetic during the day, which is why it’s not uncommon to struggle more, or less, depending on the time of year. Getting more light exposure during the day – and using blackout curtains and some good earplugs at night – can help strengthen your circadian rhythm, says Boulos. For some, prescription medication can contribute to healthy sleep routines during those trickier times of the year, but for others, it can cause issues. Boulos suggests always working with your GP.

Feeling exhausted? Maybe sleep isn’t the problem. Check out these 8 reasons why your energy levels may be low and how to bring them back.

Stamp out revenge bedtime procrastination

Stamp out revenge bedtime procrastination

Are you staying up late bingeing murder documentaries on Netflix – which is bad, both because of blue light and the hours of sleep lost – or reading a book into the wee hours, because you’re enjoying the silence you’ve been craving all day? This is known as revenge bedtime procrastination, and it occurs when you’re so busy and connected to other people during the day, you seek alone time at night, often resulting in a delayed bedtime and even more exhaustion the next morning. So what do you do when you’re dead tired but need that ‘me time’ for your mental health?

“It’s tough! As a parent or caregiver, you make so many sacrifices and feel like you don’t get any time for yourself,” Boulos says. “I would suggest trying to optimise your time to yourself and your sleep.” This may involve re-jigging your schedule to build in some solo moments during the day instead. Make a firm bedtime and set an alarm or reminder on your phone. If you’ve got the willpower to treat bedtime like an appointment you can’t miss, this will create a boundary that preserves your sleep and prioritises your health.

Try these 8 little changes to make for better sleep.

Try and try again

Try and try again
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And if that deep rest continues to elude you? After 20 or 30 minutes, get up, do something boring (no screens!) and then try again, Boulos recommends. Make a shopping list, do a puzzle, fold laundry or read something calming. Then, get back in bed. “You don’t want to associate the bedroom with stress – or you’ll spend the whole night tossing and turning.”

If that doesn’t work, try these 10 relaxation techniques to help you wind down to sleep.

See a pro

See a pro

If you have persistent insomnia, you may benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which helps train your brain to recognise your bed as a place for sleeping or sex. CBT strategies can also help you deal with racing thoughts or other distractions.

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