If you are not sleeping between 7-9 hours per night and enjoying deep REM sleep, then you are at risk of having low energy levels and poor concentration, as well as contributing towards later life illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s.

Here are some tips that can aid a better night’s sleep.


Even natural light will wake the brain up, so ensure maximum levels of darkness in your bedroom. Even if you can fall asleep with the light on, your brain won’t allow you to fall into a deep sleep.


Going to sleep at the same time each night is a great way of increasing the quality of your sleep. is is because we are creatures of habit and our brains know when to anticipate a certain event or task. If you are able to implement a routine that sees you go to sleep at the same time every evening, you’ll find it far easier to get to sleep, and you’ll also get much better quality sleep.


When we look at screens of phones or tablets, the blue light which is emitted activates our brains which encourages thinking and neurological activity which keep us alert. This of course is the last thing that you want before going to bed, which is why it is essential that in the final hour before you sleep, that you avoid using technology.

Watching television on a TV screen instead of a tablet or phone reduces the impact screen time has on your sleep.


To get the best quality sleep, it is important to avoid food and drink in the three hours before you sleep. Food is a source of energy and if you have a big meal before bed then instead of resting and repairing cells, your body will be focused on breaking down the energy which you have just eaten.

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