The case of the missing microwave

The case of the missing microwave
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A guy living in a rooming house called emergency services one night because the microwave that was usually in the kitchen wasn’t there, reports Reddit contributor and prosecutor Shaydu. The dispatcher explained to the guy this wasn’t an emergency. The guy argued, “But I’m really hungry!” He wouldn’t hang up, at least until the police arrived and arrested him for improper 000 usage. Shaydu later brought the case to trial, and the jury issued a guilty verdict in 20 minutes flat.


Maybe just post a selfie instead?

Maybe just post a selfie instead?

A woman called emergency services to complain about a mugshot of her that was on the Internet, reports Reddit contributor NinjaHDD. Apparently, she thought it was unflattering and wanted a new one. She got it right after police officers were dispatched to her home to charge her for 000 misuse.

Here’s how to take an amazing selfie every time.

No arrest was made, but maybe one should have been?

No arrest was made, but maybe one should have been?

Former emergency services responder Bloomsday289 recalls the most outrageous call he got: a parent claiming he’d cut his child’s fingernails too short and needed an ambulance. After the paramedics arrived and found that the child had no wounds, it soon emerged that the kid just wanted to see an ambulance up close. “I’ve had a lot of people scamming the system… But this was the most ridiculous.”

An emergency brisket?

An emergency brisket?

With 15 years on the job as an emergency services operator, Stepside79 still remembers the time someone called 000 to ask how long to smoke a brisket.

That time a caller literally had the blues

That time a caller literally had the blues
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A woman called emergency services at around 2 am reports paramedic and Reddit contributor, Buzkill, because her legs had turned blue. Upon further questioning, the paramedics discovered she had worn a new pair of blue jeans to the club where she had spent the night vigorously dancing.

Capsule wardrobe? Find out what one is and how to build one.

When an emergency services call is innocent but totally pointless

When an emergency services call is innocent but totally pointless

Reddit contributor Cold toast n butter tells the story of a friend who called emergency services when he was a kid because his aunt was having a baby. The only issue is that his aunt was already at the hospital – the kid just wanted to cover all the bases.

Justifiable, but a little embarrassing…

Justifiable, but a little embarrassing…

Reddit contributor MorroWtje, who works in the emergency services field, once got a call from a woman who wanted an ambulance to take her to the hospital because she had such extreme diarrhoea that she couldn’t drive herself and didn’t dare take a cab. Her call was justified, though it did make MorroWtje giggle.

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