The missing cat

The missing cat
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“My mother was in hospital and, although elderly and recovering from surgery, was not expected to pass away. One night my husband and I were out for a couple of hours, and upon returning home we discovered our cat Cleo was missing. This was totally out of character for her.

“The next morning Cleo returned and almost immediately we received a call from the hospital to say my mother had passed away. The 12-hour period of her decline and passing in the hospital tallied exactly with the period of our cat being missing.

“My mother dearly loved Cleo, and I often wonder if somehow the cat sensed something and went looking for her.” – Ms H.D.


“Did you call me?”

“Did you call me?”
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“Since building our new house my husband and I have both sworn that the other has called us… except neither of us have! It’s not only our names but also sounds exactly like our voices!” – Mrs T.G.

Those we love stay with us

Those we love stay with us
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“My dad believed in messages or signs from those who have passed. We used to watch a psychic on TV and we would joke about butterflies or white feathers as our sign from the grave.

“Not long after he passed, my friends and I had tickets to a show in Sydney to see the psychic I used to watch with Dad. We parked in an underground carpark in the city and as we got out of the car a white feather floated down in front of me and landed at my feet!

“The following week I was mowing my lawns and having a good old cry as I remembered the day my dad had come to fix my old mower; he said he would take it home to service it and came back within the hour with a brand-new mower. As I mowed, I cried and laughed at how silly I must look. As I stopped to dry my eyes, a huge orange and black butterfly fluttered about my head, then landed on a low-hanging branch of my jacaranda tree – also a gift as a sapling from my Dad, now a huge tree.

“If there was ever any doubt, these two experiences reassured me that those we love stay with us in some form.” – Mrs K.M.

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