Try hot sauce, salsa and Cajun seasonings

Try hot sauce, salsa and Cajun seasonings

They provide lots of flavour with few kilojoules, plus they turn up your digestive fires, causing your body to temporarily burn a few more kilojoules. Choose them over butter and creamy or sugary sauces.


Eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice

Eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice
Getty Images

For the kilojoules in one kid-size box of apple juice, you can enjoy an apple, orange and a slice of watermelon. These whole foods will keep you satisfied much longer than that box of apple juice, so you’ll eat less overall. And research has shown that there’s no difference in the impact on your body between drinking fruit juice and drinking a fizzy drink or other sugary drink.

Snack on a small handful of nuts

Snack on a small handful of nuts
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Studies have found that overweight people who ate a moderate-fat diet containing almonds lost more weight than a control group that didn’t eat nuts. Snacking once or twice a day helps stave off hunger and keeps your metabolism stoked. You can also pack up baby carrots or your own trail mix with the healthiest nuts you can eat, plus raisins, seeds and dried fruit.

Get most of your kilojoules before noon

Get most of your kilojoules before noon

Studies find that the more you eat in the morning, the less you’ll eat in the evening. And you have more opportunities to burn off those early-day kilojoules than you do to burn off dinner kilojoules.

Brush your teeth after every meal, especially dinner

Brush your teeth after every meal, especially dinner

That clean, minty freshness will serve as a cue to your body and brain that mealtime is over.

Serve food in courses

Serve food in courses

Instead of piling everything on one plate, bring food to the table in individual courses. For the first two courses, bring out soup or veggies such as a green salad or the most filling fruits and vegetables. By the time you get to the more kilojoule-dense foods, like meat and dessert, you’ll be eating less or may already be full.

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