Anti-jokes guaranteed to make you chuckle

Anti-jokes guaranteed to make you chuckle
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Anti-jokes are in a league of their own when it comes to humour. Short jokes, bad jokes and even crony jokes play on words, puns, one-liners, and situations to be funny. The person on the other end of the joke could see the punchline coming from a mile away. Anti-jokes, on the other hand, are humorous because the person on the other end doesn’t expect its punchline. Instead of it being funny or predictable, it could be dry, logical, or even dark. The humour then comes from the literalness of the joke.

Make no mistake, though: good anti-jokes can be some of the funniest jokes you’ve ever heard; the humour’s just a little different. Ready to laugh in a very literal sense? If so, read on to get your fill of funny anti-jokes.


A man walks into a bar. “Ouch.”

A man walks into a bar. “Ouch.”
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Some of our favourite anti-jokes are funny by accident.

Check out these witty bar jokes anyone can remember.

What did one Frenchman say to the other?

What did one Frenchman say to the other?
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I have no idea; I don’t speak French.

Two muffins are sitting in the oven.

Two muffins are sitting in the oven.

One says, “Wow, it’s hot in here.” The other one says, “Sure is. Probably about 180 degrees Celsius.”

Knock knock.

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


To who?

No, ‘to whom.’

Here are some of the best knock-knock jokes for kids.

A horse walks into a bar.

A horse walks into a bar.

Several of the patrons quickly get up and leave, realising the potential danger in the situation.

What did the farmer say after he lost his tractor?

What did the farmer say after he lost his tractor?
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“Where’s my tractor?”

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

It’s not. Numbers aren’t sentient and are therefore incapable of feeling fear.

Don’t miss these maths jokes for all the number nerds.

What did Buzz Lightyear say to Woody?

What did Buzz Lightyear say to Woody?

A lot. There were four movies, and a couple of short films too.

A priest, a rabbi and a monk walk into a bar.

A priest, a rabbi and a monk walk into a bar.

They all get a drink because bars in Australia are legally required to serve people of all religions.

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