Seek help for sleep apnoea

Seek help for sleep apnoea
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One of the main symptoms of sleep apnoea is snoring, which is unappealing and mood-killing all on its own. If wanting to clobber the person sleeping next to you who’s snoring isn’t enough to tame your sexual appetite, worrying that he or she might be suffering from a condition that could be serious, like sleep apnoea, very well might. Several studies have backed the effects of sleep apnoea on sexual health, so encourage your partner to seek treatment, stat.

Here are 9 simple signs of sleep apnoea you’re ignoring. 


Sip more H2O

Sip more H2O
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In case you didn’t know, your body is made up of nearly 75 percent water, meaning you should be drinking your fair share of it daily if you want to stay healthy – and the same goes for sexually healthy too. One study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, found that being dehydrated can impact testosterone levels, which has a direct effect on your sexual desire.

Check the medications you’re taking

Check the medications you’re taking
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Medications, whether they’re prescription or over the counter, can sometimes be “show stoppers” for couples’ sex lives, warns McGough. “Numerous medications can lower sex drive, including antidepressants, birth control pills, antihistamines, opioids and related pain medications, blood pressure medications such as Beta blockers, etc.” Even anti-seizure medications, such as Tegretol, can cause some degree of reduced sensation and come with a variety of sexual side effects in men and women. “Other ‘drugs’ that aren’t as commonly mentioned, but we’ve seen having negative impacts on libido are chronic overuse of caffeine and alcohol,” he adds. “Both can lead to reduced sleep and generally elevated stress levels (including elevated cortisol, etc.).”

Prioritise sleep

Prioritise sleep
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Getting the right amount of sleep you need to feel wakeful and rested is so important for your sexual health as well as your overall health. “While it seems obvious if you’re so tired that you are about to fall asleep, many people don’t realise that chronically not getting enough sleep can reduce their interest in sex,” explains McGough. One study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that longer sleep duration increased sexual activity for women. Even women getting more sleep than the average individual reported more sexual pleasure. However, women who slept significantly longer reported less sensation, so McGough notes that balance is key.

Practice mindfulness

Practice mindfulness
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This is an important tool when it comes to sexual function, especially for women struggling with issues related to sexual arousal and orgasm, explains Dr Millheiser. “Women, especially, are multitaskers, so their minds are often in three different places at once. This becomes problematic in the bedroom when focus on the sexual act is important for intimacy and sexual satisfaction.” Women also have more difficulty than their male counterparts when it comes to reaching orgasm, which Dr Millheiser points out may be partially due to the fact that their mind often wanders to other things – sometimes it can be simple things like grocery lists or what to make for dinner, while other times, it can be more detrimental thinking such as, “Am I going to have an orgasm or not?”, “Do I look okay?”, “Does my partner think I look okay?” Adopting a mindfulness practice, like yoga or meditation, can help you focus on your level of awareness.

Use lubricant

Use lubricant
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Sexual lubricants aren’t only useful for those experiencing vaginal dryness – they’re also invaluable to your sex life regardless of your status “down there.” Dr Dweck recommends applying lube liberally at the opening of the vagina and on a male partner to experience less fiction and heightened enjoyment. You can purchase most brands at your local drugstore or convenience store and try different brands to find out what works best for you.

Make a lusty playlist

Make a lusty playlist
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Having great sex to good music can enhance your experience in the moment and hearing the music again later can actually trigger your arousal centres, says Dr Millheiser. In fact, one study found that music and sex trigger the same areas of the brain. Create a playlist on your iPhone and reserve those songs for sexy time only. “Set a 15 to 20 minute playlist on repeat and make a pact not to go all the way until you hear the first song again,” adds Dr Millheiser. “This ensures you spend enough time in foreplay for both partners to get fully aroused.”

Keep electronics out of the bedroom

Keep electronics out of the bedroom
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More and more of us own multiple electronic devices and spend many hours a week on them. Factor in a 40-hour work week and there’s hardly room for intimacy of any kind, let alone sex. “Getting updates and knowing the status of your partner should trump all other forms of social media each night,” says Dr Millheiser. “Start a habit of plugging in your phone and other devices outside of the bedroom so you can focus on your partner.”

These are 25 other little sex mistakes you don’t realise you’re making.

Build anticipation with sexy texts

Build anticipation with sexy texts
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Believe it or not, sexting is not only for the young and impressionable. It’s a great way to communicate with your significant other throughout the day and can serve as a form of foreplay. “If you know that you and your partner are going to make some time for sex on Thursday night, start building anticipation Thursday morning with a sexy text for them to read right when they get to work,” says Dr Millheiser. “Because the brain is the largest sex organ, it is important to get the mind thinking about sex far before sex actually begins.”

Refresh your lingerie and loungewear wardrobe

Refresh your lingerie and loungewear wardrobe
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“Lingerie and loungewear tends to be neglected, but it’s one of the easiest and most effective ways to spark your intimate and romantic life,” says Masini. “Lace and linen can be super sexy in summer, while velvet and satin in wintery jewel tones can give you a new lease on a personal winter wonderland.” If your lingerie drawer is looking dreary, head to the store. “You’ll be surprised how much sexier you feel when you take action towards making yourself feel ready for action.”

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