Trapped in a Volcano

Scrambling from the downed chopper, the three stunned survivors confronted vents of hissing steam and a boiling lava pit. Sulphurous fumes made them gasp. If there’s a hell, one thought, it’s definitely like this.

48 secrets surgeons won’t tell you

Surgeons have our lives in their hands, but most of us know more about the people who cut our hair than the doctors who cut our bodies. Here are some insider tips to become a smarter, healthier patient.

Sex after 50 – debunking the myths

Sex after 50 is surrounded by common myths and misconceptions. Find out the truth about you and your partner's intimacy with these debunked myths.

8 ways to love being single on Valentine's Day

Despite what your nosy neighbours, matchmaking aunt, or thousands of sad quotes say, being single, even on love's favourite day, can be a blast. Why simply survive February 14th when you can have a fabulous time just being you? Here are some [...]

The 39-year-old Apology

A bond was broken by a thoughtless act years ago. Could all be forgiven with a simple “I’m sorry”?

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